What you Post on Facebook May be Discoverable

In the digital age, Facebook and other social media platforms have transformed how we communicate, share, and connect. However, this new era of social networking brings with it not only opportunities but also significant legal risks, particularly when it comes to litigation. The content you share online, even behind privacy filters, can become a pivotal factor in legal proceedings.

The Discoverability of Social Media Content

Privacy Is Not Guaranteed

It’s crucial for individuals to understand that privacy settings do not necessarily protect shared content from being discovered in the context of litigation. Courts have increasingly allowed the discovery of private social media content when it is relevant to the case at hand.

Legal Precedents

Cases such as McMillen v. Hummingbird Speedway, Inc. and Zimmerman v. Weise Markets, Inc. illustrate the judiciary’s stance on this issue. These rulings require the party seeking to introduce social media content as evidence to first demonstrate that the public profile of their adversary contains information pertinent to the case. This threshold showing opens the door to potentially discovering private content.

Navigating Social Media During Litigation

Exercise Caution

If you are involved in any form of litigation, it is imperative to be mindful of your social media activity. This includes being cautious about what you post, how much you share, and the nature of the pictures you upload. Even seemingly innocuous content can be interpreted in ways that may not be favorable to your case.

Best Practices for Social Media Use

  • Review Your Privacy Settings: Regularly check your privacy settings to understand who can see your content. However, remember that privacy settings are not foolproof against legal discovery.
  • Think Before You Post: Adopt a conservative approach to social media during litigation. Assume that anything you post could be scrutinized by opposing counsel.
  • Consult Your Attorney: Before posting anything that could be related to your case, consult with your attorney. They can provide guidance on what may or may not be advisable to share.

How Boyer Law Firm Can Help

Boyer Law Firm understands the complexities of social media in the context of legal disputes. Our team can guide you through the intricacies of discoverability and help you navigate your social media presence to minimize risks.

Legal Guidance and Representation

We offer comprehensive legal representation and advice on managing your digital footprint during litigation. Our expertise ensures that your social media activity does not adversely affect your legal standing.

Strategic Legal Advice

Our attorneys can provide strategic advice on how to handle social media and other forms of digital communication throughout the course of your legal matter. We aim to protect your interests both in and out of the courtroom.


The intersection of social media and legal discoverability presents a modern challenge for individuals involved in litigation. Understanding the potential risks and adopting best practices for social media use are essential steps in safeguarding your legal interests. Boyer Law Firm is here to assist you in navigating these challenges effectively.

For more information on how to manage your social media presence during litigation or for any other legal inquiries, contact Boyer Law Firm today.