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E2 Visa Success

E2 visa successBoyer Law Firm has successfully obtained over ten E2 visas for over three different families in the last few weeks. Our experienced immigration attorneys know what is required in order to obtain this and other US visas.

We have also recently succeeded in obtaining Fiancé petitions, temporary “B” visas, and Citizenship for our clients.

An E2 visa allows for foreign nationals to obtain a US visa if they invest a substantial amount of capital in a new enterprise in the United States. Although we cannot guarantee that your will get an E2 visa, we can offer your our expertise, which will reduce errors that could cause your visa application to be delayed or denied.

Our immigration attorneys can not only help you through every step of the visa process, but can also help you run and maintain your business after you obtain a visa through our registered agent services, business planning sessions, and more.

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