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Have you been injured on Vacation?

While on a vacation it is likely that an injury may occur through no fault of your own. Unfortunately the positive connotations of relaxing on vacation do not exempt you from being involved in an accident.

Some common forms of accidents or injuries that occur while on vacation are:

• Accidents sustained while on a sports trip
• Accidents during a skiing trip
• An accident caused by slipping or tripping in the hotel/resort/campsite
• Road traffic accidents during a transfer to and from your accommodation or while on excursions organized by the tour company
• Accidents while traveling on local transport
• Swimming pool accidents
• Accidents while on board a cruise ship
• Food poisoning or illness from the hotel as a result of poor hygiene
• Carbon monoxide poisoning
• Other illnesses and many other injuries.

If you have suffered injuries in an accident, you may have a claim for compensation of your medical costs, lost income and pain and suffering. You do not have to be a resident of Florida or a citizen of the United States to file an accident claim here.

In accident cases, Boyer Law Firm represents clients on a contingency basis. That means you will not owe any attorney’s fees if the firm does not obtain compensation for you.

Boyer Law Firm will be happy to help file a claim on your behalf and do everything necessary to obtain compensation for you. Contact us for a consultation.

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