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Create a Prenuptial Agreement With a Foreign Fiancé(e)

bride's hand in groom's hand, create a prenuptial agreement with a foreign fiancé, marriage contract, marital contract

For any couple, the wedding planning process can be both stressful and exhilarating.

On one hand, you can’t wait to marry the love of your life. On the other, your head is spinning with the growing number of items on your to-do list.

These concerns can feel especially confusing if your fiancé lives in a different country. Not only is it complicated to plan the logistics of your big day from afar, but there are also legal issues to contend with. One of the most important ones is learning how to create a prenuptial agreement with a foreign spouse.

Today, we’re walking you through this process to clear up any questions and make this step as simple as possible.

Why Should You Create a Prenuptial Agreement With a Foreign Fiancé?

If you’re like many people, you might think prenuptial agreements are reserved for celebrities or the ultra-wealthy. Yet, research shows that a growing number of couples are drafting these documents to protect themselves and their assets in the event that their marriage dissolves.

If your future spouse is a citizen of a different country, assuring your security is even more paramount. Let’s take a look at a few ways a prenup can help.

Freedom From Financial Liability

If your spouse is not an official U.S. citizen, you could be left in financial straits if your assets are joined together and you decide to split. For instance, your spouse could argue that you owe them money, or try to claim your assets as their own.

However, if both parties sign a prenuptial agreement before marriage, any assets you obtained before the marriage will be protected from future action.

While anyone can benefit from this level of security, it’s especially helpful if there are children or heirs in the equation whose future could be negatively impacted by a future divorce. A prenup is also wise if this is your second or subsequent marriage.

Confidence and Peace of Mind

Entering into a new union is overwhelming enough. If you’re concerned about your financial security, a prenuptial agreement can help relieve that burden.

You might feel this pressure if you’re the higher-earning spouse in the relationship. Though you love your partner, you might wonder if part of their affection is based around your income. If your partner willingly signs a prenup, you can cast that concern aside and move forward in confidence.

How to Create a Prenuptial Agreement

If you’re ready to create a prenuptial agreement with your foreign partner, you’ll need to visit a licensed and qualified attorney.

Make sure the legal team you hire is experienced in family law and can help you complete and file the appropriate paperwork. This can be a laborious process with many state-specific steps involved. As such, it’s wise to have an expert by your side who can help you navigate these important next steps.

Call Us for Prenuptial or Postnuptial Support Today

From starry-eyed engaged couples to disillusioned divorcées, our Florida law firm has helped all kinds of partners create legal documents to protect their financial interests both before and after marriage.

If you’re interested in creating a prenuptial agreement with a foreign spouse, we’re here to help. Contact us today to learn more about the services we provide.


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