Representing Domestic and International Clients
If you are facing a divorce, the financial and emotional hardship can be overwhelming—on you and the people you love. The experienced Florida divorce Lawyers of Boyer Law Firm, P.L. can help you develop an effective plan to overcome the difficulties encountered with ending a marriage, such as transitioning to one income, sharing parental responsibility, and dividing property accumulated during your marriage. We will take the time to listen to your concerns and guide you through every aspect of your case.
Divorce can be messy. Disagreements about allocating marital property, who gets custody of the kids (and when), and whether one of you will have to financially support the other is common. The inability to agree can result in both parties feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.
Florida has complicated family law rules and procedures. As a result, seemingly small mistakes can cost you valuable time and money. Fortunately, you don’t have to navigate your divorce or custody battle alone.
Continuing reading for more information on the family law and divorce services our firm offers, such as:
Our firm’s ultimate goal is to minimize the stress and cost of your divorce, by providing the most effective and efficient legal services possible. Our proficient Florida divorce lawyers are here to provide you with sound representation and protect your interests.
When you turn to Boyer Law Firm, P.L. for help, you can be assured your case is in experienced and competent hands. Our family law attorneys are tough negotiators and seasoned trial attorneys. We’ll do what it takes to get you the result you need.
During one of life’s most stressful and consequential times, hiring a divorce lawyer impacts your life and your future. Let us do the heavy lifting.
Marriage is а legal contract between two individuals. To legally sever the marital relationship and void legal duties to a spouse, one or both parties must file for а divorce.
Divorce is also known as Dissolution of Marriage, and in Florida there are three different types of Dissolution of Marriage:
Regardless of the type of divorce that best suits your needs, our experienced divorce attorneys can guide you in the right direction to protect your future.
With a divorce lawyer, you will have a legal team to advocate on your behalf and ensure all documentation is filed promptly. Our attorneys take the lead on communications during this stressful time. They are tough negotiators, protecting your rights to a fair settlement, which is essential for your financial future. In addition, our attorneys understand the complexities of family law and work diligently on your behalf to get a fair agreement.
In some cases, Florida couples are eligible to end their marriages through a simplified procedure. With the simplified divorce process, the court does not mandate financial disclosure. A couple can use the simplified process if:
There are substantial differences between a simplified and a regular dissolution of marriage. With a simplified dissolution, financial information may be requested by either party but disclosing financial information is not required.
In Florida, at any time, any type of divorce can become an uncontested divorce. An uncontested divorce simply means the parties are in agreement on all issues related to the divorce.
The parties may not qualify for a simplified divorce, maybe because they have children. However, if the parties agree on all issues regarding the divorce and issues related to their children, they can file an uncontested divorce.
In some situations, a divorce matter may move from a contested divorce process to an uncontested divorce process. In the beginning, the parties may not agree on all issues, but later reach a mutual agreement. This occurrence is very common because many couples are able to reach an agreement during court-ordered mediation or negotiating a settlement.
The uncontested divorce process is typically less expensive than a contested divorce. When the parties are in agreement, they may not need to leverage Florida divorce lawyers.
In Florida, if divorcing parties do not agree on getting a divorce or any related issues, they must file a contested divorce.
When the parties take a contested approach to divorce, most counties in Florida require that the parties attend court-ordered mediation before a Judge hears your case.
During mediation, if the parties cannot reach an agreement (also known as an impasse) and move to the uncontested process, then the case will continue to the trial planning portion of the Florida divorce process.
There is no jury in a Florida divorce trial. Divorces are heard by Judges or Magistrates. When a divorce case goes to trial, the parties are asking the Judge to decide on any issues that an agreement cannot be reached.
Most parties are not satisfied by the results of a Florida divorce trial. In many cases, one or both parties feels cheated because they are stuck with a decision they did not make.
Additionally, the expenses associated with taking a divorce to trial can be crippling. For this reason, it is usually the best course of action is for the parties to try to work out an agreement.
During an emotionally confusing time, the Florida divorce process and the laws governing the process can be very intimidating. The results of the process can have a lasting effect, both financially and emotionally.
To ease the stress of the divorce process, Boyer Law Firm attorneys work alongside our clients through every step. From filing the petition to the entry of final judgment, our skilled attorneys have your back.
To get divorced in Florida, one or both of the spouses must have lived in the state for six months prior to filing for dissolution of marriage. Once the residency requirement is met, a Florida court can claim jurisdiction over the divorce case.
Typically, a party must reside in the Sunshine State for at least six months before filing for divorce in Florida. However, more lenience is given to active members of the military. In these cases, the residency requirement may be satisfied if the party is stationed in Florida.
Traditionally, grounds for seeking divorce were based on one spouse’s fault, meaning that some type of marital wrongdoing led to the marriage’s demise. However, this is not the case in for a divorce in Florida.
The Sunshine State is one of seventeen states in the US that are considered a “no-fault divorce state.” This means that a petitioning spouse does not have to blame the other spouse for the divorce.
In Florida, the plaintiff’s petition must site grounds for the divorce request, for a court to grant the divorce. By law, there are two grounds for divorce in Florida (Florida Statutes Section 61.052):
Most commonly in Florida, divorces are sought on the grounds that their marriage has deteriorated to the point where it is no longer salvageable.
To begin the Florida divorce process, you must follow at least the following steps:
After the trial and examining all evidence, the judge (or jury) will issue a final ruling, called the final judgment, resolving the divorce and all related issues. Once the presiding judge reaches a decision, he or she enters a judgment finalizing the divorce and all related issues. The divorce is not final until the judge endorses the written divorce decree.
In some cases, a party may choose to appeal the district court decision. The typical time frame for filing an appeal is within 60 days after a party provides notice of entry of final judgment. An experienced family law attorney can guide a party toward the right decisions and ensure that certain deadlines are met for properly appealing a divorce.
In a Florida divorce, the court will render a final judgment that will impact the lives of you and your children immediately and for years to come. For this reason, it is vital to appear in court prepared and well-represented by knowledgeable and experienced Florida family law attorneys. Decisions to be addressed in the divorce may include:
While on the surface, these issues may appear straightforward, it is the responsibility as your legal counsel that your attorney covers all aspects of current needs as well as potential future needs. Modifying these terms after the final judgment has been entered can prove extraordinarily difficult and financially draining. Boyer Law Firm’s Florida divorce lawyers leave no stone unturned when seeking a client’s best interests.
A prenuptial agreement, also called a premarital agreement, is a contract made between couples before they marry. A post-nuptial or antenuptial agreement is made between the parties after they have married. A prenuptial or post-nuptial agreement should accurately express the spouses’ intent and provide fair terms for each party. These marital contracts usually cover issues that may arise in the event of divorce, such as identifying non-marital property, the division of marital property, spousal support, and other matters.
During a divorce, either spouse may file a motion asking the court to uphold the prenuptial agreement. If the other spouse objects, the court may have to determine the validity of the agreement before ordering compliance with its terms. A skilled divorce lawyer can represent you in all aspects of marital contracts and the application of the agreement in divorce proceedings.
During a divorce, a couple emotionally detaches from one another; The very structure of their lives divides. Immigration status concerns further complicate the already complex process.
Rest assured that a Jacksonville international divorce lawyer from Boyer Law Firm, P.L. can get favorable results in your international matter.
If you already have a green card and have become a legal permanent resident at the time of your divorce, then the divorce will not affect your status. In addition, it doesn’t matter whether you had a so-called “green card marriage” because USCIS has no reason to review your case by this point
While divorce at this point doesn’t affect your green card status, it could impact your ability to become a U.S. citizen through naturalization. Contact us for assistance.
You have conditional residency if you become a resident due to marrying a United States citizen. You are considered a conditional resident of the United States for the first two years of your marriage.
To change from conditional to permanent residency, you must file a Petition to Remove Conditions of Residence to prove to the U.S. government that you didn’t enter into a sham marriage to gain U.S. citizenship. This form must be filed within the final 90 days before the conditional green card expires. Spouses should jointly file this form and submit evidence to prove they have a valid marriage.
Florida law does not have what some call “legal separation.” However, Florida couples can physically separate – live apart from one another – and remain legally married. If the spouses are physically separated, they can still file a joint petition for the Removal of Conditions of Residence, as mentioned in the previous section. However, USCIS may use the separation as evidence that the marriage was not valid.
Seeking representation from a knowledgeable international family law attorney is the best course of action in these complex international divorce matters.
Because a divorce with international components is more complex than a standard domestic divorce, it is important to hire an attorney as soon as possible. Boyer Law Firm, P.L. will supportively walk you through the important first steps of your divorce.
Whether married in another country or with one spouse living abroad, your divorce requires an in-depth knowledge of international legal issues and conflicts. In addition, your case may involve business interests or marital property located overseas.
Boyer Law Firm, P.L. is proud of the expertise we’ve demonstrated in our international family law matters. A leader in international law matters, managing attorney, Francis M. Boyer is a Certified Specialist in International Law. This experience encompasses extensive knowledge of foreign laws and collaboration with foreign counsel while fighting for your rights. Some of the family law issues our attorneys handle within international law are:
Rest assured that a Jacksonville international divorce lawyer from Boyer Law Firm, P.L. can get favorable results in your international matter.
Filing for a dissolution of marriage without the assistance of a skilled lawyer is rarely advised, even if you and your spouse agree about all the issues (which is uncommon). In fact, even if you and your divorcing spouse are on great terms and file for a divorce in agreement about all matters, your attorney should, at the very least, review a proposed settlement before it is finalized to ensure your best interests are protected. In addition to reviewing a settlement, your attorney can aid you by:
Whether you are looking to file for divorce or have been served with dissolution of marriage papers by your spouse, we represent clients on either side of divorce proceedings. From the simple, uncontested divorce to the complex, contested divorce that requires trial, our attorneys have the dedication and experience you seek. With the Florida divorce lawyers of Boyer Law Firm by your side, move forward with confidence knowing you have retained top-notch Florida divorce representation.
Offices in Miami, Orlando, and Jacksonville