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What Deportation Defenses are Available When Facing Removal from the US?

If you or a loved one is facing deportation from the United States, then it is extremely important to contact a deportation defense attorney as soon as possible.

When facing deportation, you have the option to fight the claim for which you are charged or to request “Relief from Removal.” An immigration and deportation defense attorney will be able to analyze your situation and determine which option is best for your specific situation.

Undocumented aliens are more than likely to be subject to removal (deportation), but they may still have the option to request a relief from removal, depending on their circumstances. Each relief consists of specific requirements that should be discussed with a deportation defense attorney.

Some common “Reliefs from Removal” include:

Deportation Defense–          Citizenship
–          Adjustment of Status
–          Removal of Conditions (Form I-751)
–          Asylum
–          Withholding of Removal
–          Relief under the Convention Against Torture
–          Cancellation of Removal for Permanent Residents
–          Cancellation of Removal for Non-permanent residents
–          Cancellation of Removal through VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) – Applies to men as well
–          Criminal Waivers
–          Non-criminal Waivers
–          Prosecutorial Discretion
–          Deferred Action
–          Voluntary Departure

For more information about these deportation defenses and to find out how Boyer Law Firm, P.L. can assist you in fighting against deportation, contact us today.

If you delay of fail to hire an attorney, then it could result in detrimental harm for the person facing deportation, including the possibility of being permanently barred from entering the United States.

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