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Florida Will and Florida Estate Planning

Florida Will and Florida Estate PlanningThere are many times throughout your life when you should update your Last Will and Testament. These include major life changes, such as marriage, divorce, a child being born, a loved one passing away, or a major increase or decrease in the assets that will be included in your estate.

If you have recently suffered the loss of a loved one, this is also a good time to update your Florida Will. You may have received additional assets from that estate, and you especially want to update your will if the deceased was one of your beneficiaries or the person you appointed as your personal representative.

Here at Boyer Law Firm, we assist both domestic and foreign clients with their Florida Will and other Florida estate planning needs. If you are a foreign individual who owns real estate or other property in Florida, then it is important to talk to an attorney who is not only an expert in estate planning, but also an expert in estate planning for international clients, as the international aspect adds a dimension to estate planning that is unfamiliar to most Florida attorneys.

If you need assistance with updating your will, or if you do not have a will, then contact Boyer Law Firm today to see how we can assist you.

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