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Foreign Companies : L1 Visa or E2 Visa

L1 visa or E2 visaIf you own a business whose principal location is not in the United States and you want to open a U.S. branch or subsidiary, then you may qualify for one or more investor’s visa, such as an L1 visa or E2 visa.

There are different entity options for your U.S. branch, which should be discussed with an experienced international business law attorney. This is important because the entity structure you choose may have serious tax repercussions if it is not properly setup.

Foreign entrepreneurs who are thinking about applying for an investor’s visa should also meet with an experienced immigration attorney to determine which visa is best suited for them. It is important to properly choose between the L1 visa or E2 visa because they both have different requirements and benefits that should be considered.

It is best to contact an attorney at the very beginning of the process to ensure that you properly plan from the beginning.

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