Florida Debt Collection

Avvo Rating - Francis M Boyer
15 Anniversary

Representing Domestic and International Clients

Our Florida debt collection attorneys represent companies who seek to collect debts and individuals who are being pursued by debt collectors.  If you are a company seeking to collect debts, Boyer Law Firm can help you establish valid debt collection practices.  If you are a consumer who feel your rights have been violated, we can help you protect those rights.  Even if you have paid the debt in question, you may have a claim against the debt collector for unauthorized practices.

Debt collection on the Creditors behalf

Boyer Law Firm represents creditors in collection matters in Florida by providing aggressive, quality legal representation. We handle all stages of commercial and consumer debt-enforcement, including issuance of demand letters, post-foreclosure or post-judgment examinations, asset seizures, and liquidation. No matter what phase of the collection process you are in, Boyer Law Firm can help.

We are equipped to handle any disputes that may arise under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), the Florida consumer credit law, or the common law of contracts. We represent all creditors, including banks, credit card companies, business owners, business professionals, and more.

Boyer Law Firm works closely with our clients in order to understand their debt recovery objectives, including their comfort level with civil litigation and post judgment measures, such as wage garnishments and asset seizures. We also work with them to discover the collection approach that best fits their needs. Our experience and understanding of Florida commercial and consumer debt collection allows us to aggressively pursue your objectives and maximize the likelihood that your judgment will be paid.

Some Ways a Judgment Can Be Enforced

Debt Collection for Debtors & the FDCPA

Debt collectors are required to abide by strict rules under both Florida and Federal Law, such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), in order to protect the consumer and the American credit system. The debtor must give the consumer a 30 day notice of their right to dispute the debt within five days of the first communication.

If the consumer provides a written notice of his intention to dispute the debt, the debt collector MUST stop all collection activities until it obtains and provides the consumer with verification of the debt. If you do not dispute the debt, but you ask the debt collector to stop all contact, he can only contact you one more time to inform you of whether the debt collection agency intends to file a lawsuit.

How can a Fair Debt Collection Attorney Help Me If I am Being Harrassed?

If a debt collector engages in collection practices that are against the law, then you have a right to sue the collector for damages and a penalty of up to $1,000. If you prevail, the debt collector must also pay attorney’s fees and court costs.

Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), debt collectors cannot:

How Can a Debt Collection Attorney help me if I’m Being Sued by a Collection Agency?

If you intend to dispute the debt in question, Boyer Law Firm can help. We can negotiate with the creditor in order to lessen your debt or arrange reasonable payment schedules, or we can defend you in any of the Florida courts if you are being sued by a creditor.

Note: We do not defend debtors in small claims court (less than $5,000), but WE DO REPRESENT DEBTORS WHO ARE BEING HARRASSED FOR ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY.