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6 Scary Litigation Stories

Are you looking for a good scare this Halloween season? If you need a mental thrill, you’ll want to read these litigation stories that will make your skin crawl. From rabid dog bites to a realtor failing to disclose a death in the home, these cases will send a chill down your spine.

Be warned! You shouldn’t read these stories before going to bed. They’re nightmare material.

Read on to satiate your thirst for terror…if you dare.

1.  Creepy Cases with Crawlies

Some of the creepiest cases are the ones with bugs! One tenant got so fed up with the spiders in her apartment that she decided to sue her landlord. She hired a good lawyer too.

She claimed that the landlord was aware of the spider problem and did nothing to address it, thus putting her and her children in danger. In the end, the court ruled in favor of the tenant and ordered the landlord to pay damages.

But the judgment didn’t come before the tenant had to go through the worst night of her life. One night, while asleep in her bed, she woke up to a spider crawling and biting her face.

The bite was so painful that she had to go to the hospital. This story is a reminder that even something as seemingly innocuous as a spider can become a serious problem if not addressed promptly. Hiring an attorney can make all the difference in getting justice.

2. Workplace Bully

What’s another unfortunate lawsuit tale? This one isn’t about bugs but something much more sinister, a workplace bully. One woman was so terrorized by her boss that she sued him for damages.

The woman claimed that her boss would routinely shout at her, call her names, and humiliate her in front of other employees. She said that the stress from the abuse led to her developing anxiety and depression.

Fortunately, the court sided with the woman and ordered her boss to pay damages. But this story is a reminder that workplace bullying is a serious issue that can have lasting effects on its victims.

3. Dangerous Dog

Another lawsuit that will send shivers down your spine is one involving a dangerous dog. Not just any dangerous dog, though, a rabid one.

The dog had been acting strange for a few days, and its owner decided to ignore the problem. What they didn’t know was a rabid raccoon had bit their dog when they left it out for the night.

The owners usually kept the dog outside and treated it poorly. Rabies usually kills an animal within 7 days, but the dog only had the virus for a couple of days when it broke free.

When the dog broke free, it frantically ran into a neighbor’s yard, where it attacked two young children. The children had to undergo rabies treatment.

The parents of the children sued the dog’s owner, claiming that he was negligent in multiple ways. The court sided with the plaintiffs and ordered the dog’s owner to pay damages.

4. Laser Pointer Attack

A few years ago, a man in New York was shining a laser pointer into the eyes of oncoming traffic, including police officers. Imagine you’re driving down the road, and someone shines a bright light into your eyes, temporarily blinding you. Now imagine that this happens not just once but multiple times.

Unfortunately, it’s not the first time someone in New York has endangered others with a laser. One time, the offender was pointing the laser at airplane pilots!

Fortunately, in both cases, no injuries took place. The guilty party had to serve time and pay restitution for the money they cost the city. It’s a good reminder of how crazy and creepy litigation can be!

5. Drunk Driving Hit-And-Run

One of the most harrowing things that can happen is to be involved in a hit-and-run accident. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened to one woman in Florida. And it took place on Halloween of all nights.

It was a particularly rainy Halloween, and the woman was driving home from work. As she was driving, she was hit by a car that ran a red light. The collision caused her to spin out of control and crash into a tree.

The other driver did not stop to help the woman or call for help. Fortunately, someone who witnessed the accident called 911, and the woman was rushed to the hospital.

She ended up suffering from multiple fractures and internal bleeding. The driver who hit her was eventually caught and charged with drunk driving and leaving the scene of an accident.

6. Ghostly Disaster

Finally, our last scary litigation story is every home buyer’s worst nightmare. A young Ohio couple thought they were buying their dream home, a charming farmhouse built in the 1800s.

The realtor did not tell the couple about one important detail, though–the fact that the previous owner had died in the house. It’s unclear how the realtor could have missed such an important detail.

After experiencing ‘strange’ occurrences, the couple did a bit of research and learned of the death. The previous owner had died in his sleep, and his body was not discovered for weeks.

The couple no longer wanted to live in the house and sued the realtor for failing to disclose the death. The couple won, but it’s unclear if they ever got their dream home.

Make Litigation Scare-Free

Litigation doesn’t have to be scary. These six stories are enough to make anyone’s skin crawl. But fortunately, most legal disputes are not nearly as dramatic or scary.

Hiring an experienced attorney can be like waking up from a nightmare. Your legal fears will melt away, and answers will come to light. If you find yourself in a legal dispute this Halloween season or at any time, let us know.

Boyer Law Firm will do the heavy lifting so you can get back to enjoying your life. Contact our offices today for a consultation.

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